A girl with long curly unbraided hair and pink glasses

Shutterstock.com (background); Courtesy of LEGO (Robyn)

I Worked at LEGO

I was sound asleep one morning last March, when my mom suddenly burst into my room. It was too early to log on to Zoom for school, so I didn’t know what was up. Then she told me the news: I’d been chosen to be the first-ever LEGO Kid Creative Director! I screamed and cried tears of joy. It was hard to stay calm during the school day.

More than 100 kids had applied for the job, so I was honored to be chosen. But more than anything, I was excited to get to work. 

Courtesy of LEGO

Robyn working on the LEGO VIDIYO app

It Takes Teamwork

I started my new gig in May. My team’s task was to create a music video to promote LEGO VIDIYO, the company’s video-making app. I’m a musician and a rapper, so I connected with the role right away. 

One of the best parts of the job was working with the nine other members of the Kids Creative Studio. We weren’t together in the same room, but we collaborated during virtual meetings. We started with one simple thought and brainstormed and built off each other’s ideas.

During a typical day at work, I attended meetings over Zoom and gave feedback on ideas and artwork. The team came up with dance moves, chose visual effects and props, and decided which LEGO characters we would interact with in our video. 

Our video is now up on the LEGO website! Thanks to my mentors and teammates, I’ve learned how to be more open to sharing my ideas. 

I’m going to take what I learned from this job and apply it to everything else I do. I hope other kids get the same opportunity that I did. It’s important to follow your dreams, no matter how hard things get. It will pay off one day and every day after!

Courtesy of LEGO

Robyn dancing in a scene from the video

A group of children with their hands on top of each others' as they look to an adult

noun, plural

people who give advice or guidance


Coaches often serve as mentors to the young players on their teams.

Two girls looking at a drone
SDI Productions/Getty Images

verb, past tense

worked with other people to achieve a goal


The students collaborated on the science project.
