Pictured, left to right: Maya Angelou, Sally Ride, Anna May Wong, Wilma Mankiller, and Adelina Otero-Warren

Shutterstock.com (background); Patrick Fraser/Corbis via Getty Images (Maya Angelou); Alamy Stock Photo (Sally Ride); Glasshouse Images/Alamy Stock Photo (Anna May Wong); Peter Turnley/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images (Wilma Mankiller); Science History Images/Alamy Stock Photo (Adelina Otero-Warren)

Change Makers

The next time you get some spare change, take a close look. You might be holding a special new quarter. Starting this month, the U.S. Mint—the government agency in charge of making coins—will release five new quarters each year. They’re part of the American Women Quarters Program. Each coin will feature the image of a female trailblazer on the back. 

“Women have made countless contributions throughout our nation’s history,” explains Tracy Scelzo Chavez, who works at the Mint. “This is a unique way to honor them on coins that will be used by millions of Americans every day.”

The new quarters won’t be the first U.S. coins to feature women. For example, women’s rights leader Susan B. Anthony and Native American explorer Sacagawea have appeared on $1 coins. The new program plans to celebrate many more women. The Mint will roll out up to five new coins every year until 2025. The first will feature author Maya Angelou. 

How were the first five women (see below) chosen? The public submitted more than 11,000 suggestions through the website of the National Women’s History Museum. But it was up to the official who oversees the Mint to make the final decision. That’s Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, who’s the first woman to hold that job.

Everett Collection/Shutterstock.com


a person who makes, discovers, or does something new and makes it acceptable or popular


Many consider Amelia Earhart a trailblazer because she was the first woman to fly a plane solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

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